Обзор малых инновационных предприятий ВУЗов –
лидеров Московского международного рейтинга
«Три миссии университета» за 2021 год»
В статье представлены сущностные характеристики малого инновационного предприятия, цель его формирования. Представлен обзор деятельности трех российских университетов, которые являются лидерами в рейтинге трех университетских миссий Москвы (MosIUR). Этими университетами являются Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова (19-е ме-
сто), Санкт-Петербургский университет (36-е место) и Московский физикотехнический институт (44-е место). Для сравнения, проводится обзор малых инновационных компаний Белгородского государственного технологического университета (БГТУ) имени В.Г. Шухова и Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета (НИУ «БелГУ») проводится.
Автор приходит к выводу, что, несмотря на то, что эти региональные вузы не входят в число лидеров рейтинга, они характеризуются высоким уровнем инновационной активности.
К сожалению, текст статьи доступен только на Английском
Modern educational institutions actively
implement innovation activities, one of the
directions of which is the formation of small
innovative enterprises (SIEs).
The objectives of creating SIE in higher
education are:
− additional profit;
− implementation of the applied aspect
of scientific research and the possibility of
direct application of the practice-oriented approach
in educational activities. Moreover,
the presence of SIE in educational institutions
allows universities to be active participants in
government programs related to investment
and financing the activities of the university.
A SIE, in which university is a cofounder,
is a “business entity, created for the
purpose of introducing the result of intellectual
activity (transfer of technology), exclusive
rights to which belong to the university” [Do-
It-Yourself…, 2022].
Small innovative enterprises are “one of
the ways to commercialize the university developments,
which provide additional jobs for
academia, students and graduate students at
the university” [Who Needs Small Innovative…,
The United States is the leader in the
formation and development of small innovative
enterprises. At the same time, researchers
(Mills, 2019; Delgado and Mills, 2020) note
that approximately 4 of the 6 million small
businesses in the USA operate in the local
business-to-consumer (B2C) economy. These
are restaurants, coffee shops, dry cleaners,
and other local businesses, which are the
backbone of our communities. Another 1.1
million small businesses are supplier enterprises,
those that operate within the supply
chain and traditionally sell to other businesses
(B2B). And only a small fraction of America’s
small enterprises (about 200,000) are
fast-growing start-ups that are commonly seen
as the entrepreneurial source of transformative
innovation [Creating “Smart” Policy
to…, 2020].
Modern universities actively implement
policies to create small innovative entrepreneurship,
focused on the “development of innovative
ecosystems, which allows to create
the necessary environment for their functioning
and increase their competitiveness” 1Sukhinov
A. I., Ugnich E.A., 2017.
The objective of this study is to review
the activities of three Russian universities
which are leaders in Moscow Three University
Missions Ranking (MosIUR) in the development
of innovative entrepreneurship.
Main part
The Moscow Three University Missions
Ranking under study is a fairly new academic
ranking that evaluates three strategic areas of
higher education (key missions of the university),
which are education, science and interaction
with society. “The number of universities
represented in the global ranking increased
in 2021 to 1650 from 1500 a year earlier.
According to this parameter, the ranking
is the most representative in the world, the
rating list includes universities from 97 countries
of the world” [Moscow “Three University
Missions”, 2021].
Harvard University (USA) is the leader
of the 2021 ranking and can be described as a
special territory dedicated to excellence in
teaching, learning and research, as well as to
the development of leaders who change the
world for the better. As an active part of the
American national innovation system, Harvard
University is actively promoting research
in fundamental and applied science.
As for Russian universities, Russia retained
its position in the TOP-3 world leaders
in terms of representation in the ranking (112
universities), yielding only to the USA and
China (239 and 144 universities, respectively).
There are three Russian participants in the
TOP-100 of the MosIUR. They are Lomonosov
Moscow State University (19th place), St.
Petersburg State University (36th place) and
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(44th place) [Organization of Innovation,
Next, we analyze the features of the development
of small innovative entrepreneurship
in the three Russian leaders of the MosIUR,
which are Lomonosov Moscow State
University, St. Petersburg State University,
and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The university occupies a leading position in
the innovation sphere and has an effective innovation
infrastructure, including Research
and Development Computer Center, Medical
Research and Education Center, International
Research and Science Biotechnology Center,
Scientific and Educational Center “Hydrocarbon
Prospecting, Exploration and Development”
(Oil and Gas Center), Scientific and
Educational Center of Applied Medicine and
Food Safety, Scientific and Educational Center
of Nanotechnology, Engineering Center
for Industrial Risk Assessment “Technorisk”,
Center for Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic
Processes, etc.
Department of Science Policy (Department
of Scientific Expertise, Department of
Innovation and Technology Transfer, Department
of Statistics and Research Analysis),
Department for the Organization of Research
and Training of Scientific Personnel (Department
of Organization of Research, Department
of Postgraduate Studies, Doctoral Studies
and Dissertation Councils) coordinates
research and innovation activities of Moscow
State University.
This infrastructure allows generation of
innovative projects, their support throughout
the entire innovation cycle, including transfer,
commercialization of scientific developments
and technologies at enterprises of the real sector
of the Russian economy.
The main activities of companies in the
innovation zone of Moscow State University
are “chemistry and new materials; biotech
nology and pharmaceuticals; production of
scientific equipment; ecology; information
technology, while the volume of production
by all companies of the innovation zone of
Moscow State University is about 5 billion
rubles” [Department of Innovation, 2022].
According to the official website of the
Accounting and Monitoring of Small Innovative
Enterprises in the Scientific and Educational
Sphere of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation [Accounting
and Monitoring, 2022] (the website
is intended for informational-analytical support
of functions and powers of the Ministry
of Education and Science of Russia in terms
of working with small innovative enterprises),
the Moscow State University registered the
following companies engaged in the development
and commercialization of innovations
(Table 2):
St. Petersburg State University. Striking
examples of the formation and development
of innovative entrepreneurship at St. Petersburg
State University are:
− St. Petersburg State University Center
for Geology (LLC), which provides services
in the field of geological study of the subsoil
of various profile;
− St. Petersburg State University Center
for Information and Diagnostic Systems
(LLC), engaged in the development of software
for nuclear medicine, which has no analogues
in the country, therefore others are also
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Research at MIPT covers a wide
range of areas of theoretical and experimental
physics, energy and biomedicine, chemistry,
and applied mathematics.
Special attention should be paid to universities,
which are leaders of innovation activity
in Belgorod Region:
− Shukhov Belgorod State Technological
University (BSTU) V.G. is one of 33 supporting
universities of the Russian Federation.
Author is the graduate student of BSTU;
− Belgorod State National Research
University (NRU BelSU) is a university on
the basis of which the partnership of participants
of the World-class Scientific and Educational
Center “Innovative Solutions in the
Agro-Industrial Complex” is integrated. NRU
BelSU is an integrator of network interaction
of participants of the Belgorod Regional Scientific
and Educational Center.
Innovation activity of Shukhov Belgorod
State Technological University (BSTU) is
aimed at:
− “development of effective mechanisms
for the formation and development of
innovation (entrepreneurial) infrastructure of
the university, including in the scientific, industrial,
educational and social spheres;
− creation of favorable conditions for
the practical implementation of the results of
intellectual activities, the right holder of
which is Shukhov BSTU, as well as for the
practical application of the knowledge received
by students as part of their training on
university educational programs;
− formation and maintenance of the image
of the university as an innovative and entrepreneurial
higher educational institution of
Russia by positioning it not only as an educational
and scientific center, but also as a center
of commercialization of knowledge (innovation and business center)” [Official website
of BSTU, 2022].
Innovation infrastructure of Shukhov
BSTU is quite extensive and includes Innovation
and Technology Center, Business Incubator,
Technopark, Project Office, Regional
Center of the Central Federal District.
According to the database of the Accounting
and Monitoring of Small Innovative
Enterprises in the Scientific and Educational
Sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Russian Federation, Shukhov
BSTU has registered 41 enterprises engaged
in the development and implementation of
intellectual property results in various areas
(construction industry, software, educational
process, and managerial competencies). Some
of them are TechCeram, LLC (main inventions
of the company are the method for manufacturing
ceramic products, and the method
for preparing ceramic barbotine), Innovative
Technologies and Machine Building Equipment
(LLC), Scientific and Technical Center
“Modern Integrated Automation Methods”
(LLC), Development of Process Equipment
and Complexes (LLC), Intellect Factory of
Information Technology (LLC), Industrial
Intellect (LLC), ECO-TECH (LLC), Belgorod
Technical Expertise and Diagnostics (LLC),
Modifier (LLC), Composite (LLC), Scientific
and Technical Center “Modern Corporate
Systems” (LLC), Business Project of BSTU
(LLC), Energy Management (LLC), Center
for Management Innovation (LLC), Shukhov
Motors (LLC), etc.
As part of the strategic development
program, Shukhov BSTU has developed methodical
recommendations “Small Innovative
Enterprise Step by Step”, where organizational-
economic and regulatory framework for the
creation of a small innovative enterprise at
university is algorithmically presented.
Belgorod State National Research University
(NRU BelSU) is the oldest university
in Belgorod Region and has a huge research
and educational potential.
The key results of NRU BelSU in 2021
were: “the university has entered another
prestigious world institutional ranking of the
British company QS (Quacquarelli Symonds),
taking a place in the 1001-1200 group. The
university has the highest scores in terms of
the number of foreign students (303rd in the
world) and in terms of reputation scores based
on feedback from academics and employers
(group 501+). In terms of the “teacherstudent”
ratio the university has taken 524th
place in the world, in terms of the number of
foreign teachers and the citation index per 1
scientific and pedagogical worker the university
is in group 601+. According to the International
Global Ranking of Scientific Institutions
SCimago, NRU BelSU occupies 590th
position out of 4,156 universities in the world,
and 37th position out of 155 universities in
Russia. In the ranking of innovative universities,
based on their impact on the socioeconomic
development of regions, NRU Bel-
SU is in 70th position [Official website of
Belgorod State, 2022].
The main directions of innovation activity
of NRU BelSU within Scientific and Educational
Center are “biotechnology, breeding
and genetic research, cellular technologies
and genetic engineering (animal and plant genetics),
digital transformation of agroindustrial
complex and resource-saving technologies,
technologies for functional, healthy
food products, storage and processing of agricultural
products” [Research and Education
Center, 2022].
There are 22 small innovative enterprises
(SIE) with the participation of the university
in NRU BelSU. These SIEs are BelSU
Electronic Systems (LLC), Armalit31 (LLC),
ZirconiumPro (LLC), “Chernozemye” Geocenter
(LLC), Vacuum Technology Systems
(LLC), Research and Production Enterprise
“Diagnostic Systems” (LLC), Engineering
Center of NRU BelSU (LLC), BelSU Center
for Analytical Research (LLC), BelSU Control
and Measuring Devices (LLC), BelSU
“GeoStroyMonitoring” (LLC), Research and
Production Enterprise “BelSU Biotech”
(LLC), BelSU Geomonitor (LLC), etc.
The results of the operation of these
small innovative enterprises are actively and
successfully passing the stage of commercial
ization in the real sector of the economy of
both Belgorod Region and Russia as a whole.
Comparing the results of the conducted
overview of innovation activities of universities,
it is possible to note that Russian universities
regardless of the position in the ratings
are actively implementing innovation policy,
while creating and developing small innovative
According to many experts, the main
barriers to the creation and development of
small innovative enterprises at universities are
bureaucratic mechanism and a significant
amount of documentation, mistrust between
the administration of universities and academia,
determining the university’s share in the
company, difficulties in providing space for
project work, and the complexity of closing
down nonoperating companies.
To solve these problems, it is necessary
to improve the regulation system in universities,
to simplify lease and access to business
incubators, to form an effective stimulating
policy and reward system for the creation and
successful development of a small innovative
enterprise at educational institutions.
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