
Igor V. Lyashenko

Scientific degree: Ph.D. in philology

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Country: Russia

City: Belgorod

Organization: Belgorod State National Research University

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication

Scientific biography:

Education – graduated from the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, specializing in English and German languages, qualified as a Teacher of English and German in secondary school (1993).

Academic degree – Candidate of Philological Sciences, specialty 10.02.04 Germanic languages. PhD thesis on "The Linguistic Essence and Pragmatic Functions of Ethnic Nicknames: Based on the Material of the English Language" was defended at the Dissertation Council in Pyatigorsk (2003)

Position – Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology and Intercultural Communication, Institute of Intercultural Communication and International Relations, Belgorod State National Research University

Research interests: specialist in the field of onomastics, theory and practice of translation (interpretation).

Main scientific results: 

- the set of historical, social and psychological reasons for the emergence of ethnic nicknames has been disclosed;

- the socio- and pragmalinguistic functions of nicknames have been highlighted, their place in the language system is determined;

- the most characteristic ways of forming ethnic nicknames have been disclosed, and also their classification in accordance with a complex of features determined by the categories of internal and external motivation has been developed.

Scientific status: has various publications in the field of sociolinguistics, ethno- and linguistic conflictology, onomastics, theory and practice of translation (interpretation). Author of more than 30 scientific works, including Scopus - 3, Web of Science - 4, publications indexed in the RISC - 20 (Hirsch index - 4), monographs - 2, textbooks - 22 (on translation practice covering such areas of knowledge, as agriculture, political science, telecommunications, food processing, etc.). Member of the Union of Translators of Russia. Practicing translator (interpreter).

Honours and awards:

- Commendation from the rector of the Belgorod State National Research University (2018).

RISC SPIN-code: 3075-6994, Scopus Author ID: 56436053200,

ORCID: 0000-0001-7911-8228.

Major works:

Author of more than 30 scientific papers, of which Scopus - 3, Web of Science - 4, in publications indexed in the RSCI - 20 (Hirsch index - 3) monographs - 2, textbooks - 22 (on translation practice, covering such areas of knowledge as agriculture, political science, telecommunications, food industry, etc.).

  1. Drygina, Y.A., Kuptsova, Y.A., Lyashenko, I.V., Mashkova, E.V., Shevchenko, E.M. Linguistic Characteristics of Nouns Representing the Concept of Power in American Political Discourse // Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics. 2019.10 (SpecialIssue). Pp. 409-415 
  2. Drygina Yu.A., Lyashenko I.V. Representation of the concept of power in the American political debate (based on the material of D. Trump's speeches) // Cognitive language studies. 2019. No. 37. Pp. 454-459.(in Russian)
  3. Lyashenko I.V., Fedyunina I.E. Ethnic Nicknames of Russians in the Ukrainian and Russian Blogosphere // Scientific Result. Questions of theoretical and applied linguistics. 2017. Vol. 3. No. 1. Pp. 42-48. (in Russian)
  4. Lyashenko I.V. Ethnic Nicknames of Ukrainians in the Russian and Ukrainian blogosphere // Scientific result. Series: Questions of theoretical and applied linguistics. 2014. Vol.1. No. 2 (2). Pp. 110-119. (in Russian)
  5. Lyashenko I.V. On the Expressiveness of Ethnic Nicknames Used in the American Cross-Cultural Space // Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice. 2011. No. 3 (10). Pp. 89-91. (in Russian)
  6. Lyashenko I.V. On Some Reasons for the Use of Ethnofolisms in the Modern English-Speaking Cross-Cultural Space // Philological Sciences. Questions of Theory and Practice. 2011. No. 3 (10). Pp. 86-88. (in Russian)