Ahmed M. Penjiyev
Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Country: Turkmenistan
City: Ashgabat
Organization: Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of Production Processes
Education – graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Turkmen State University, "Thermophysics" specialty (1978)
Academic degree – Candidate of Technical Science with a degree in Renewable and Unconventional Energy Conversion. Dissertation on "Development, Creation and Research of a Trench Type Solar Greenhouse for Growing Coffee Trees" (1987);
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences with a degree in Forestry, Breeding, Seed Production. Doctoral dissertation on "Agrotechnics of Growing a Melon Tree in a Protected Ground in Turkmenistan" was defended in a Dissertation Council at the Moscow State University of Forestry (2000).
Position – Associate Professor of the Department of Automation of Production Processes of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Turkmenistan, Ashgabat).
Research interests: specialist in the field of renewable energy, solar energy, environmental problems of desert development, climate change.
- agricultural technology for growing a melon tree in protected soil conditions in Turkmenistan using non-traditional energy sources and industrial thermal waste for heating has been scientifically substantiated;
- as a result of full-scale tests, the temperature-humidity, radiation and illumination regimes of the pilot industrial greenhouse have been studied;
- mathematical models of the thermal technical parameters of the microclimate of a trench-type greenhouse has been compiled, taking into account the climatic conditions of the regions of Turkmenistan, and on their basis a nomogram has been constructed to predict the temperature regime of a trench-type greenhouse for the northern, eastern, central, southwestern regions of the country;
- the obtained enzymes have been experimentally tested in medical practice.
- author of over 330 scientific articles, brochures, books, monographs, teaching aids and 7 copyright certificates (RISC Hirsch index: 17, scopus Hirsch index: 1);
- Academician of the International Academies of Ecology and Safety Sciences;
- Corresponding Member and Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
- Member of the editorial committee and member of the Scientific Council of the Alternative Energy and Ecology International Journal.
- Prize of the Lenin Komsomol in the field of science and technology for scientific work in the field of renewable energy (1991);
- Medal of M.V. Lomonosov for high professionalism and personal contribution to the improvement and formation in the field of pedagogical sciences;
- Medal of K. Ushinsky for the contribution to the development of invention;
- Medal named after A. Nobel for research in the field of biology, genetics, breeding, plant growing, agriculture and medicine;
- Medal of N.I. Vavilov;
- Medal of K.A. Timiryazov;
- Medal of Hippocrates.
For more detailed information:
RISC SPIN-code: 7525-9498, Scopus Author ID: 57203910120.
Major works:
- Penjiev A.M., Nazarov S.G. Methodology for calculating the feasibility study of a solar power station // Notes of a scientist. 2020. No. 9. Pp.60-73. [in Russian]
- Penjiev A.M., Nazarov S.G. Feasibility study for an autonomous combined solar and microhydro power plant on the lake "Altyn Asyr" // Economic and Management Congress: a collection of articles based on the materials of the International scientific and practical event of the National Research University "BelSU", October 30, 2020 / ed. by V.M. Zakharov. Belgorod. Pp.65-79. [in Russian]
- Penjiyev A.M., Astanov N.G. Investigation of A Solar Module for Creating a Mobile Station in the Southeast of the Karakum Desert // New in the Russian power industry. 2020. No. 7. Pp. 23-28. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Conceptual Approach of Using Energy of Small Rivers Under the Conditions of Turkmenistan // Ecological, Industrial and Energy Security - 2019. Collection of Articles Based on the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Edited by L.I. Lukina, N.V. Lyamina. 2019. Pp. 1260-1266. (in Russian)
- Stebkov D.S., Penjiyev A.M. Project of Solar Power Plant with Parabololcylindrical Concentrators in the Deserted Area of Karakum // Environmental, Industrial And Energy Security - 2019. Collection of Articles Based on the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Edited by L.I. Lukina, N.V. Lyamina. 2019. Pp. 1560-1564. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Geoinformation Technologies in the Development of Solar Energy // Modern Problems of Mathematics, Physics and Physical and Mathematical Education. Collection of Materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2019. Pp. 74-77. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Technosphere Safety of Development of Photopower In Turkmenistan // Vestnik MANEB. 2019. Vol. 24. No. 1. Pp. 13-26. (in Russian)
- Strebkov D.S., Penjiyev A.M. Solar Power Plants with Parabolic Trough Concentrators in the Desert Area of Karakum // Applied Solar Energy. 2019. Vol. 55. No. 3. Pp. 195-206.
- Penjiyev A.M. The Performance of Photovoltaic Energetics Development in Turkmenistan // Regional Economy: Theory and Practice. 2018. Vol. 16. No. 5 (452). Pp. 856-868. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Experience Gained in Cultivating Industrial Jojoba in the Environments of Turkmenistan // Proceedings on Applied Botany, Genetics and Breeding. 2018. Vol. 179. No. 2. Pp. 63-76. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Improving the Training System in the Field of Environmental Safety // Vestnik MANEB. 2018. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 176-180. (in Russian)
- Charyev Y., Khodzhanepesov K., Goshdzhanova M., Penjiyev A. Justification of the Energy Parameters of a Solar Photovoltaic System for Pasture Farms in Turkmenistan // Innovations in Agriculture. 2018. No. 1 (26). Pp. 168-178. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Possibilities of Saving Heat Energy in Greenhouses of the Agricultural Enterprises // Scientific Result: Economic research. 2018. Vol. 4. No.1. Pp. 66-79. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Environmental Safety of the Development of Photoenergy in Turkmenistan // Vestnik MANEB. 2018. Vol. 23. No. 1. Pp. 32-41. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. The Performance of Photovoltaic Energetics Development in Turkmenistan // Regional Economy: Theory and Practice. 2018. Vol. 16. No. 5 (452). Pp. 856-868. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Thermal Regime in Combined Cultivation Constructions // Applied Solar Energy. 2018. Vol. 54. No. 3. Pp. 196-204.
- Penjiyev A.M. Ekoenergettchesky Resources of Solar Energy tn Desert Kara Kum // Renewable Energy Sources. Materials of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation and the XI scientific youth school. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018. Pp. 161-168. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Thermal Regime in Combined Cultivation Facilities // International scientific journal "Heliotekhnika". Tashkent: “FAN”. 2018. No. 2. Pp.47-58. (in Russian)
- Penjiyev A.M. Agrotechnics of Growing a Melon Tree in a Protected Ground: monograph. Moscow, 2018.221 p. ISBN: 978-5-4365-3030-7. (in Russian)
- Penjiýew A. Nanotehnologiýanyn esaslary: Okuw-usuly gollanma. GlobeEdit. 2018. ISBN: 978-613-8-25291-7. (in Turkmenian)
- Penjiýew A. Önümçiligi gurnamak we dolandyrmak. GlobeEdit 2018. ISBN 978-613-8-25644-1. (in Turkmenian)