Relevance. In today's global economy, effective macroeconomic regulation is more important than ever. It can help the economy recover from crises and grow in the long term. This is especially ...
The objective of this research is to analyze the Balanced Score Card and its impact on income in companies in the agricultural sector in Zone 3 of Ecuador. ...
China's "peaceful rise" strategy, launched in the early 2000s, propels the nation toward global leadership in politics and commerce. This bold foreign policy initiative drives Beijing's substantial investments ...
Volume 10, Issue №4, 2024
The role of information supply as a factor in the intensification of U.S. agriculture in the 21st century has not been evaluated before. According to statistical data based ...
Countries need capital to replace old equipment used to produce goods and services. If a country is unable to replace capital goods as existing capital reaches the end of ...
The presented article contains the results of a study devoted to the analysis of the current state of the banking sector in Africa. Based on a comparative analysis andgeneralization ...
The food industry is a vital area that has a direct impact on the economies of different countries. Using the example of the Republic of Azerbajan, the dynamics of the ...
After the restoration of Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, Turkey became the first country to recognize it on November 9, 1991. Turkey's recognition of Azerbaijan's independence as the first ...
The modern economy is acquiring more and more features of the information society, the service sector is expanding, but the real sectors of industry still remain the basis ...
The paper analyzes the strategic positions of nations and supranational associations in the global markets related to the extraction and industrial use of minerals being of critical importance for ...
Household incomes and expenditures are one of the most significant factors on the basis of which the idea of the standard of living of the population ...
The countries of Central Asia are historically a zone of Russias interests. In the context of the current crisis in world politics and the economy, friendly ...
The increasing anthropogenic load of the modern world leads to the deterioration of the environment and the growth of environmental problems. Sustainable development is a global ...
The article is devoted to the study of topical issues related to the application of Western economic sanctions and the peculiarities of opposition to them by ...
Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
The article analyzes the international and Eurasian directions of the Republic of Armenia’s foreign trade that is caused by the Armenia’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Union ...
The key objective of macroeconomic regulation is to achieve economic growth in the short and medium term and economic development in terms of a long-term strategy.At the same time, it ...
Trade relations between Azerbaijan and Russia have a long history, and both countries are important trade partners for each other. Both countries need each other in terms of market and ...
Volume 9, Issue №1, 2023
In this publication, the authors consider some global trends in investment and investment projects and the features of their implementation in the national economy. In today's ...
Modern technologies help medical institutions provide quality patient care even in extreme conditions like those created by the pandemic. At the same time, the pandemic has revealed the ...
The situation of the pandemic has put the world community before the choice of forms and methods of combating coronavirus, while balancing the interests of the economy, healthcare ...
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