Irina E. Zhukovskaya
Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Republic of Uzbekistan
City: Tashkent
Organization: Tashkent State University of Economics
Position: Professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Information Technologies
Academic degree - Doctor of Economics.
Position - Professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Information Technologies of the Tashkent State Economic University (Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent).
Research interests: specialist in the field of information and communication technology, service-oriented architecture of information systems, digital economy.
- principles, approaches and ways of effective implementation and functioning of information and communication technology (ICT) at tourist service enterprises have been proposed;
- methodology for the design, creation and effective use of automated information management systems for enterprises in the tourism industry has been developed;
- mechanisms for improving the quality management system of hotel services by introducing ICT in the hotel chains Malika-Tashkent, Tashkent Palas and Grand Mir have been proposed;
- a new strategic approach to the formation of a tourist product based on the use of ICT, which is characterized by greater flexibility and attractiveness for the consumer, developed recommendations on the use of electronic networks for organizations in the tourism industry has been presented.
- author of a number of articles devoted to the development of information security tools in modern information systems, improving the methodology for using advanced information and communication technologies in the statistical industry, modern approaches to using digital analytical platforms in the activities of higher educational institutions (RISC Hirsch index: 5).
RISC SPIN-code: 2844-4007, ORCID: 0000-0002-5928-9668.
Major works:
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Improving the Methodology for the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Statistical Activities in the Context of the Formation of the Digital Economy: monogr. Tashkent, Fan va texnologiya Publishing House, 2020. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I.E. Current Trends in the Transformation of Statistical Activities in the Digitalization of the Economy // International Engineering Journal For Research & Development: Vol. 5 No. 5. 2020: IEJRD
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Advanced Information and Communication Technologies – an Important Factor in the Formation of the Digital Economy. Special issue. 2020. Pp. 119-133 (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Ishnazarov A. I., Zhukovsky A.D. Innovative Trends in the Influence of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies on the Economic Development of Uzbekistan in the Conditions of the Formation of the Digital Economy. Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Ekonomicheskogo Universiteta. 2020. No. 1(121). Pp. 23-30. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Modern Trends in the Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on the Formation of the Digital Economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan / / Electronic scientific journal "Modern Problems of Law, Economics and Management" of the Institute of Law Studies and Management of the Russian Police Association of Tula, Russian Federation. No. 2(9). 2019. Pp. 96-106. URL: http://izuvpa.ru/downloads/eljour/em_8_19_1 (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Modern ICT – an Important Factor in the Formation of the Digital Economy / / Biznes-Expert Magazine. No. 12. 2019. P. 158 (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Modern Mechanisms for Managing Information Flows in the Statistical Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Basis of Web-Service Technology / / Scientific Journal "Vestnik" of the Faculty of Management of the SPbSEU Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution. No. 6. 2019. Pp. 37-43. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I.E. Analysis of the Application and Basic Areas of Development of Modern Information and Communication Technologies in the Statistical Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan // International Journal of Research in Social Sciences. Vol.9. Issue 11. November 2019. ISSN: 2249-2496.
- Zhukovskaya I.E. Modern aspects of the application of information and communication technologies in the management of the republic of Uzbekistan // ACADEMICIA South Asian Academic Research Journals. Vol. 9. Issue 8. August 2019.
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Modern Trends of the Influence of Innovations on Management Processes in the Conditions of the Formation of the Digital Economy // Electronic scientific journal "Modern Problems of Law, Economics and Management" of the Institute of Law and Management of the Russian Police Association of Tula, Russian Federation. No. 1 (8). 2019. Pp. 189-197. URL: http://izuvpa.ru/downloads/eljour/em_8_19_1 (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E., Nazarov D. M., Begicheva S. V. Modern Methodological Approaches to Mastering the Implementation of Optimization Economic and Mathematical Models in the Educational Process of an Economic University / / Scientific electronic journal "Ictisodiet va innovation technologiyalar" TSEU. No. 2. 2019. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E., Abidov A. A., Vlasova N. Yu. Modern Aspects of Optimizing the Development and Use of Software for Industry Information Systems in the Conditions of the Formation of the Digital Economy / / Scientific electronic Journal "Ictisodiet va innovation technologiyalar" TSEU. No. 1. 2019. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Innovative Approaches to Management Processes in the Conditions of the Digital Economy Formation / / Scientific Journal "Vestnik" of the Faculty of Management of the SPbSEU Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution. No. 4. 2018. Pp. 21-30. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I., Asamitdinov D. Modern Trends in Improving Management Processes in the Conditions of the Formation of the Digital Economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan / / Scientific electronic journal "Ictisodiet va innovation technologiyalar" TSEU. No. 6. 2018. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Information and Communication Technologies – the Basis of the Information Society and the Transformation of Management Theory // Scientific electronic journal of the Tashkent Financial Institute "International Finance and Accounting". No. 1. 2018. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Methodological Foundations of the Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on the Development of the National Economy: monogr. Tashkent, publishing house "IQTISODIYOT". 2018. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Technological Approaches to Improving Business Processes for Providing and Processing Statistical Reports in the Republic of Uzbekistan / / Scientific electronic journal "Ictisodiet va innovation technologiyalar" TSEU. No. 6. 2017. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Modern Aspects of Improving the Quality of Education in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Context of the Use of Advanced ICT // Scientific journal of Moscow State University, Moscow "Modern information technologies and IT education". December 2016. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E. Innovative Aspects of Improving Management Processes in Higher Education Institutions Based on the Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies // Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal "Open Education". No. 4. 2016. Pp. 17-22. (in Russian)
- Zhukovskaya I. E., Lisovaya L. N. The Role of Innovative Technologies in Improving Social Support for Mothers and Children in the Context of the Development of the Information Society / / Collection of scientific papers "Healthy mother and child-the basis for the prosperity of society". Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" in Tashkent. 2016. P. 90. (in Russian)