
Alexey S. Molchan

Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

Academic rank: Professor

Country: Russia

City: Krasnodar

Organization: Kuban State Technological University

Position: Director of the Institute of Economics, Management and Business

Scientific biography:

Academic degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management (regional economics). Doctoral dissertation on "Reproduction and Capitalization of the Economic Potential of Regional Socio-economic Systems" defended in the Dissertation Council at the Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar (2012)

Position – Head of the Institute of Economics, Management and Business of the Kuban State Technological University

Research interests: specialist in the field of diagnostics of financial and economic conditions, analytical support for sustainable development of business entities, economic security, risk management.

Main scientific results:

- development of a scientific approach to determining the specific characteristics of economic potential and its structure from the point of view of the relationship and interdependence of the elements that make up the economic potential, and their focus on achieving a multiplier effect;

- designing information and analytical tools, substantiating methodological approaches to determining the value and developing a methodology for assessing the economic potential of meso-level socio-economic systems to form a system of ideas about the future state of the regional economy, predicting options for its development based on existing trends and operating conditions;

- development of a classification of factors that ensure the sustainable development of meso-level socio-economic systems, taking into account their impact on the indicators of the socio-economic development of the region, depending on the forecasting period, and for subsequent use in economic substantiation of indicators of regional development.

Scientific status:

- author of more than 300 publications (Hirsch RISC index: 29, Hirsch Scopus index: 2);

- expert in the field of state accreditation of educational institutions and scientific organizations of the National Accreditation Agency in the Field of Education of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Education and Science according to UGSN 38.00.00 Economics and Management;

- expert on the independent assessment of the qualifications of financial market specialists;

- expert on the formation and execution of the regional budget of the Ministry of Finance of the Krasnodar Territory;

- Member of the Regional Expert Council of joint competitions of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation) and the administration of the Krasnodar Territory;

- Full Member of the Russian Academy of Food Security;

- Member of the tender committee organizing and holding tenders for the selection of authorized organizations for the right to carry out work and provide services for the development and implementation of programs to increase labor productivity and reduce unproductive costs for organizations participating in the "Increasing labor productivity and supporting employment in the Krasnodar Territory for 2018-2025" priority regional program.

Honours and awards:

- Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

- Commendation from the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for an active civil position in ensuring public control over the course of the unified state exam (2016, 2017, 2018);

- Winner of the competition for the best scientific and creative work among teachers of higher educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory (2007, 2009, 2011);

- Winner of the "Best scientific book in the humanities - 2015" international competition, "Economics" category;

- Winner of the VII international professional competition for university teachers "Pedagogical Discovery: University - 2017";

- Winner of the international competition of educational and methodological works for teachers of universities and colleges, held on the initiative of the "Interclover-2019" project.

RISC SPIN-code: 1627-9142, Scopus Author ID: 57094180100,

ORCID: 0000-0003-3841-3743, Web of Science ResearcherID: N-7716-2016.

Major works:

Author of over 300 publications, including:

a) educational publications:

  1. Molchan A.S., Petrov I.V., Korolyuk E.V., Lazareva G.I., Roshchektayev S.A., Shadrina Zh.A., Eriashvili N.D., Gaponenko A.V., Golovinov V A.A., Efremova L.A., Ivashin D.I., Il'ina T.V., Kochian G.A., Lyalyuk A.V., Malashenko N.L., Roshchektaeva U.Yu., Solonina S.V. ., Ternavshchenko K.O., Tleptserukov M.A., Francisco O.Yu., et al. Economic Security. Economic and Legal Support: a textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Economic Security". Moscow, 2020. (in Russian)
  2. Shchepakin M.B., Molchan A.S., Khandamova E.F. Labor Economics. Moscow, 2020. (in Russian)
  3. Molchan A.S., Ternavshchenko K.O., Lekhman E.V. Economic security of regions: textbook / Kuban State Technol. Un-ty. Krasnodar: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education KubGTU, 2019. 247 p. (in Russian)
  4. Molchan A.S., Ternavshchenko K.O., Lekhman E.V. Theory and Practice of Economic Security of Foreign Economic Activity. Krasnodar, 2018. (in Russian)
  5. Molchan A.S., Efremova L.A., Solonina S.V. Anti-Crisis Financial Management. Krasnodar, 2018. (in Russian)

b) scientific papers:

  1. Prokhorova V.V., Molchan A.S., Basyuk A.S., Chernikova V.E., Ivanova I.G. Methodological Approaches to the Formation of an Effective Corporate Governance System in Russian Companies // IIOAB Journal. 2020. Т. 11. № S1. С. 38-41.
  2. Karpunina E.K., Yashin S.N., Molchan A.S., Derkacheva E.A., Lisova E.V. The Price of Pleasure: the Challenges and Threats of the Digital Economy // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (см. в книгах). 2020. Т. 111. С. 363-373.
  3. Frantsisko O.Yu., Ternavshchenko K.О., Molchan A.S., Ostaev G.Ya., Ovcharenko N.A., Balashova I.V. Formation of an Integrated System for Monitoring the Food Security of the Region // Amazonia Investiga. 2020. Т. 9. № 25. С. 59-70.       35
  4. Molchan A.S., Frantsisko O.Yu., Ternavshchenko K.О., Ostaev G.Ya., Tinyakova V.I., Markovina E.V. Optimization of Interaction of Agrarian Entities as an Imperative of Ensuring Food Security of the State // Amazonia Investiga. 2020. Т. 9. № 26. С. 242-253.
  5. Efremova L.A., Rusetsky M.G., Molchan A.S., Lekhman E.V., Avdeeva R.A. Russian Cultural Policy: Goals, Threats, and Solutions in the Context of National Security // Journal of History Culture and Art Research. 2018. Т. 7. № 3. С. 433-443.

c) certificates for programs for electronic computers:

  1. Molchan A.S., Nedogonova T.A., Francisco O.Yu., Ternavshchenko K.O. A Program for Assessing the Level of Economic Security of an Enterprise by Its Constituent Determinants (copyright certificate): certificate of registration of a computer program RUS 2017662630 dated 11/13/2017. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. 2017.
  2. Molchan A.S., Abramenko A.A., Francisco O.Yu., Ternavshchenko K.O. A Program for a Point Assessment of the Level of Economic Security of a Region (copyright certificate): certificate of registration of a computer program RUS 2017662467 dated 11/08/2017. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. 2017.
  3. Molchan A.S., Kutumov K.S., Francisco O.Yu., Ternavshchenko K.O. A Program for a Comprehensive Assessment of the Total Potential of an enterprise's Economic Security Using Multifactor Rating Models (copyright certificate): certificate of state registration of a computer program RUS 2019614891 dated 04/05/2019. Federal Service for Intellectual Property. 2019.