Maria S. Starikova
Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Country: Russia
City: Belgorod
Organization: Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Position: Professor of the Department of Marketing
Academic degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management (economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: industry). Doctoral dissertation on "Theory and Methodology of Adaptive Management of an Industrial Corporation on the basis of Effective Business Interactions" was defended at the Dissertation Council at the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (2015).
Position – Professor of the Department of Marketing of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.
Research interests: specialist in the field of economics and management of industrial enterprises, marketing analysis of business, marketing and branding of territories, regional development, partnership efficiency, economic integration in the industry, innovative development of economic systems.
- understanding of the adaptive management of an industrial corporation has been expanded, based on the relational concept, which is understood as an integral system of views on maintaining stable development based on responding to possible changes in the external environment, including preventive measures in the form of building an effective system of interactions;
- methodological approach to assessing the quality of adaptive management of an industrial corporation has been developed and tested on the basis of measuring the intrastability of its development and the degree of turbulence of the environment of its functioning;
- the term "adaptation potential of interaction" has been introduced into scientific circulation, which is interpreted as a characteristic of the possible degree of influence of cooperation with a market entity on the corporation's adaptability to changing environmental conditions and allows to classify the forms of business interactions in terms of their impact on the speed of adaptation to external transformations and on characteristics of the business environment;
- methodology for assessing the effects of interactions between an industrial corporation and market entities, which measures synergy as the difference between the existing market share of the corporation and its share in the system of consumer assessments of products on the market, and differs from the existing methods not only in the used system of indicators, but also in which makes it possible to group industrial corporations according to the level of interaction efficiency has been developed;
- system of methodological recommendations for assessing the expected performance of business interactions has been developed, integrated from a system of private indicators, for the assessment of which quantitative and linguistic scales were formed that facilitate expert assessment.
- author of more than 130 scientific works, including more than 30 monographs and textbooks (RISC Hirsch index: 20, Scopus Hirsch index: 3);
- Member of the editorial boards of the Modern Economy Success Journal, Russian Economic Bulletin Journal (list of the Higher Attestation Commission) and the editorial board of the Issues of Innovative Economy Journal (list of the Higher Attestation Commission);
- Member of the Dissertation Council of BelSU.08.01 for specialties 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy (by industries and spheres of activity, including: regional economics, marketing), 08.00.13 Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics;
- Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.014.08, specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy (innovation management, economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes - industry) at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
- "Improving the Mechanism of Interaction Between the University and Enterprises of the Real Sector of the Regional Economy on the Basis of Relationship Marketing" (2015-2016);
- "Theory and Methodology of the Development of the Border Region in the Context of Changing the Vectors of International Cooperation" (2017-2019);
- "Managing the Attractiveness of the Region Based on Marketing Technologies" (2020-2021);
- "Theory, Methodology and Tools for the Implementation of the Innovative Trajectory of the Development of Economic Systems in the Context of Neo-Industrial Challenges" (2020-2022).
RISC SPIN-code: 9520-6505, Scopus Author ID: 55886348800,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5293-9402, Web of Science ResearcherID: N-8697-2016.
Major works:
- Starikova M.S., Ponomarev I.N. The Marketing Potential of the Region as A Driver of Its Economic Development // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020). Far Eastern Federal University. 2020. Pp. 2007-2015.
- Starikova M.S., Ponomarev I.N. Analysis and Clarification of Regional Positioning Attributes for the Investors Target Audience // Practical Marketing. 2020. No. 10 (284). Pp. 34-40. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Giamfi E.D. Modernization of Management Tools for Evaluating the Product Range of an Industrial Enterprise // Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 12. Pp. 3121-3138. (in Russian)
- Mikalut S.M., Starikova M.S., Kuzmenko Ya.V., Ryabikina V.V. Key Success Factors of Management Consulting and Their Impact on the Consulting Project Efficiency // Leadership and Management. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 4. Pp. 677-696. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Chigova E.N., Schetinina E.D. Socio-Economic and Marketing Risks of Technological Entrepreneurship // Economic vector. 2020. No. 1 (20). Pp. 38-44. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Dubrovina T.A. Transformation of the Market Environment of Industrial Enterprises as a Result of Import Substitution Effects // Economics. Informatics. 2020. Vol. 47. No. 4. Pp. 771-782. (in Russian)
- Schetinina E.D., Starikova M.S., Ponomareva T.N., Petimko A.M., Dubrovina T.A., Somina I.V., Rastopchina Yu.V., Kochina S.K., Schetinina E.A. Marketing and Management in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy / Ed. by E.D. Schetinina. Belgorod, 2020. (in Russian)
- Giamfi E.D., Denike L.V., Drapak T.S. Key Aspects of Internet Marketing Development in Small Enterprises // XII International Youth Forum "Education. Science. Production". Forum proceedings. Belgorod, 2020. Pp. 2669-2672. (in Russian)
- Denike L.V., Ponomarev I.N. Examination of Parameters of Identity of the Brand and Creation of a Portrait of the General Auditor // XII International Youth Forum "Education. Science. Production". Forum proceedings. Belgorod, 2020. Pp. 2703-2707. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Ponomarev I.N., Djuntini M.A. Factors of Development of Marketing in Social Media // Contemporary Problems of Economic Development. Proceedings of the XI International scientific-practical conference. Belgorod, 2020. Pp. 363-366. (in Russian)
- Doroshenko Yu.A., Malykhina I.O., Somina I.V., Starikova M.S. Improving the Methodological Tools for Assessing the Contribution of the Innovation and Investment Component to Increase the Cost of High-Tech Business // SHS Web of Conferences. The conference proceedings. 2019. P. 00148.
- Doroshenko Y.A., Starikova M.S., Somina I.V., Malykhina I.O., Riapukhina V.N. Strategic Analysis of Competitiveness of High-Tech Companies as a Tool for Managing the Region's Innovative Development // Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2019. T. 17. No. 4. Pp. 579-584.
- Doroshenko Yu.A., Starikova M.S., Somina I.V., Malykhina I.O. Increasing the Efficiency of High-Tech Companies Based on Interactions with the Entities of the Innovative Environment // Economy of the Region. 2019. Vol. 15. No. 4. Pp. 1279-1293. (in Russian)
- Doroshenko Yu.A., Starikova M.S., Somina I.V. Comparative Assessment of the Border and Internal Regions of the Russian Federation by the Level of Development of Human Capital // Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions. 2019. No. 12 (120). Pp. 251-259. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Ponomarev I.N., Dadalova M.V., Ponomareva T.N. Problems and Ways to Improve the Marketing of the Advanced Development Territories // Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. Series: Economics. Informatics. 2019. Vol. 46. No. 4. Pp. 609-620. (in Russian)
- Schetinina E.D., Starikova M.S., Schetinina E.A., Soloviev D.B. Methodology of Assessment and Analysis of Regional Competitiveness Based on the Evolutionary Theory // Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018). 2018. Pp. 1301-1304.
- Starikova M.S., Rastopchina Yu.L. Selecting a Model for Cooperation with Corporate Buyers in the Regional Market of Construction Materials // Bulletin of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. 2018. No. 11. Pp. 146-155. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S. Adaptive Potential of Vertical Interactions of the Construction Materials Industry // Bulletin of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. 2018. No. 4. Pp. 133-140. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Bezuglyy E.A., Tkachenko V.V. Justification Technique of Entrepreneurial Strategy in the Procurement Sphere // Modern Economy: Problems and Solutions. 2018. No. 9 (105). Pp. 44-53. (in Russian)
- Starikova M.S., Bezuglyy E.A., Shakhov V.V. Creative Potential as a Basis for Innovative Development of the Region // Questions of Innovative Economy. 2018. Vol. 8. No. 2. Pp. 235-254. (in Russian)