Mansur I. ogly Barkhudarov
Scientific degree: Candidate of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Associate Professor
Country: Azerbaijan
City: Baku
Organization: Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC)
Position: Head of Russian School of Economics (RSE), Professor of the Department of Economics
Education – graduated from the Kiev State University named after Taras Shevchenko (1987)
Academic degree – candidate of economic sciences (2003)
Position – Head of the "Russian School of Economics" educational center, professor of the "Economics" department of the Azerbaijan State Economic University - UNEC (Azerbaijan, Baku)
Research interests: specialist in the field of problems of foreign economic development of the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia in the context of globalization.
- study of the problems of the Republic of Azerbaijan participation in the processes of international economic integration;
- development of a mechanism for the implementation of foreign economic relations;
- substantiation of the principles for the development of regional industrial policy.
Scientific status: is a participant in various international forums and conferences held in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. Regularly acts as an expert in the media of Azerbaijan. Currently working on a doctoral dissertation on "Problems of foreign economic cooperation between the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia in the context of globalization."
- Order of Honor and Glory of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko (2015).
Major works:
1. Barkhudarov M.I., Mutalimov V.A. How to Improve Azerbaijani Foreign Economic Security Under Globalized World // Bulletin of the Dagestan State University. Series 3: Social Sciences. 2017. Vol. 32. No. 4. Pp. 45-49.
2. Barkhudarov M.I., Chistnikova I.V. Importance of Industrial Policy in the Provision of Economic Security in the Region // Scientific result. Economic research. 2017. Vol. 3. No. 4. Pp. 73-80.