Lilia S. Valinurova
Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Russia
City: Ufa
Organization: Bashkir State University
Position: Head of of the Department of Innovation Economics
Education – graduated from the Ufa State Aviation Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of the Machine-Building Industry, qualified as an Engineer-Economist (1980)
Academic degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management (innovation and investment management). Doctoral dissertation on "Effective Management of Investment Processes in the Modern Economy" was defended in the Dissertation Council of the State Academy of Professional Retraining and Advanced Training of Executives and Investment Sphere Specialists, Moscow (2004)
Position – Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business for Innovation, Head of the Department of Innovation Economics of the Bashkir State University.
Research interests: specialist in the field of regional economics, investment and innovation processes of the modern economy.
- development of methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of socio-economic systems, and a model for effective management of innovation and investment processes;
- founding of the "Management of innovation and investment processes in socio-economic systems" scientific school, the main areas of research - management of innovation and investment processes in socio-economic systems, regional economy.
- the author of over 220 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 2 textbooks for universities (RISC Hirsch index: 21, Scopus Hirsch index: 2);
- Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences;
- Chairperson of the Dissertation Council for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences D 999.106.02 in the "Economics" specialty at the Ufa State Oil Technical University, Bashkir State University;
- Chairperson of the Dissertation Council for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences D 999.013.02 in the "Philology" specialty at the Bashkir State University.
- Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2010);
- Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2006);
- Honorary titles of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ("Founder of the Scientific School", "Honored Worker of Science and Education", "Golden Department of Russia");
- Diploma of quality and the European Gold Medal for teaching and original research in the field of innovation economies (decision of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber).
For more detailed information:
RISC SPIN-code: 8291-3970, Scopus Author ID: 56872836800,
ORCID: 0000-0002-6771-9728.
Major works:
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Klimova N.I., Malikov R.I., Yusupov K.N., Akhunov R.R., Grishin K.E., Yangirov A.V., Galimova G A.A., Gafarova E.A., Zakirov I.V., Kuzminykh N.A., Sattarova G.A., Singizov I.Yu., Stol A.V., Taimasov A.R., Timiryanova V.M. ., Trofimova N.V., Bikmaeva A.D., Rabtsevich A.A., et al. Reproductive Potential of the Russian Federation (Regional Level). Moscow, 2020. Ser. Bachelor's degree. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Gindullina K.R. Prerequisites for Formation of Regional Innovation Management Model // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2020. No. 5 (155). Pp. 34-38. (in Russian)
- Krivtsov A.V., Valinurova L.S. Technological Development 1.0. of the Russian Federation // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Vol. 84. Pp. 85-91.
- Valinurova L.S., Leibert T.B., Khalikova E.A. Innovative Approaches to Corporate Financial Management in Business Systems // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2020. Vol. 91. Pp. 83-95.
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Klimova N.I., Malikov R.I., Yusupov K.N., Akhunov R.R., Grishin K.E., Yangirov A.V., Galimova G A.A., Gafarova E.A., Zakirov I.V., Kuzminykh N.A., Sattarova G.A., Singizov I.Yu., Taimasov A.R., Timiryanova V.M., Trofimova N.V., Bikmaeva A.D., Rabtsevich A.A., Toktamysheva Yu.S., et al. Reproductive Potential of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2019. (in Russian)
- Asadullin M.N., Valinurova L.S. Management of Innovative Activities of Small Innovative Enterprises Based on the Design of Their Life Cycle // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2019. No. 2 (146). Pp. 116-122. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Gazitdinov A.M. Development of Student Innovative Entrepreneurship in the University // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2019. No. 5 (149). Pp. 117-121. (in Russian)
- Nazarova U.A., Malikov R.I., Kuzminykh N.A., Mukhametlatypov F.U., Musin U.R., Maksimenko Z.V., Lakman I.A., Kurmanova L.R., Kurbanaeva L Kh., Kolyasnikova E.R., Kayumova A.F., Kasimova D.F., Kandaurova I.R., Ishmukhametov N.S., Kazakova O.B., Abelguzin N.R., Alekseev O.A. ., Allagulov R.Kh., Apokina K.V., Akhunov R.R., et al. Problems and Strategic Priorities of the Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan: a monograph dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of the Bashkir State University. Ufa, 2018. (in Russian)
- Alekseev O.A., Aleshkina O.V., Allagulov R.Kh., Apokina K.V., Baiguzina L.Z., Baikova E.R., Bakhitova R.Kh., Bogatyreva M.R., Bulatova A I., Valinurova L.S., Vishnevskaya N.G., Gabdinova V.R., Galimova A.Sh., Galimova G.A., Galina A.E., Gilyazetdinova E.R., Grishin K.E. ., Enikeeva D.D., Ibragimov U.F., Ibragimova Z.F., et al. Regional Development Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice: a textbook dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University". Ufa, 2018. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Investment Process Management: Multilevel Strategies: textbook. Moscow, 2018. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Iskhakova E.I., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. The Main Trends in the Formation of Investment Attractiveness of Municipalities // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2018. No. 5 (143). Pp. 4-9. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Shiriyazdanova R.A. Problems of Innovative Development of Russian Regions // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2018. No. 6 (144). Pp. 43-47. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Methodological Tools for Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Municipalities. Moscow, 2017. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B. Investing: Theory and Practice: textbook. Moscow, 2017. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Problems of Managing the Investment Attractiveness of Municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Economics and Management: Theory, Methodology, Practice. Proceedings of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017. Pp. 73-79. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S. Development of a Controlling System for Investment Attractiveness of a Municipal Formation // Economics and Management: scientific and practical journal. 2017. No. 4 (138). Pp. 132-135. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Management of Investment Attractiveness of Municipalities: Theory and Practice. Moscow, 2016. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Models Of Assessment and Management of the Investment Attractiveness of Municipalities: Domestic and Foreign Experience // Russian Regions in the Focus of Changes. Proceedings of the XI International conference: 2 volumes. 2016. Pp. 73-78. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Iskhakova E.I., Kazakova O.B., Kotov D.V., Kuzminykh N.A. Portrait of Youth in the Republic of Bashkortostan: Problems and Development Prospects // Innovations and Investments. 2016. No. 7. Pp. 104-107. (in Russian)
- Valinurova L.S., Kazakova O.B., Kuzminykh N.A. Investment Attractiveness of the Municipalities of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Eurasian Legal Journal. 2016. No. 5 (96). Pp. 351-354. (in Russian)