Natalia I. Lyakhova
Scientific degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences
Academic rank: Professor
Country: Russia
City: Stary Oskol
Organization: Stary Oskol branch of Belgorod State National Reseach University
Position: Professor of the Department of Economics, Informatics and Mathematics
Education – graduated from the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute with a degree in land management, qualified as Land engineer (1981).
Academic degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.10 Finance, money circulation and credit. Doctoral dissertation on "Methodology of Optimization of Financial Flows in the Conditions of Self-Development of Regions and Municipalities" was defended in the Dissertation Council at the Oryol State Technical University (2008).
Position – Professor of the Department of Economics, Informatics and Mathematics of Stary Oskol branch of Belgorod State National Research University
Research interests: specialist in the field of regional economics, regional socio-economic policy, cluster development management in the regional economy
- a theoretical three-dimensional model for regulating the financial relationships of federal flows has been developed and, on its basis, a transformation model;
- a system of indicators has been developed to determine an objective assessment of the level of the fiscal burden and the effectiveness of the activities of financial bodies related to the collection of budget revenues;
- a typology of regions according to the criterion of budgetary provision has been developed;
- methodology of interbudgetary regulation at the regional level has been improved.
- author of more than 75 publications (RISC Hirsch index: 5);
- Member of the Dissertation Council D 999.136.02 on the basis of the Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Belgorod State National Research University.
- Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2014);
- Certificate of Honour from NUST MISIS (2014);
- Medal of the 3rd degree "For the impeccable service of STI NUST MISIS" (2009).
RISC SPIN-code: 6239-3484.
Major works:
- Lyakhova N.I. Change of the Spatial and Economic Structure of the Economy and Income of Regional Budgets // Analysis of the Factors of Spatial Development of the Territory: National and International Strategic Priorities. Proceedings of the International full-time scientific and methodological conference. 2020. Pp. 69-73. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Directions and Prospects for the Development of Crowdfanting in Russia // Economic and Humanitarian Sciences. 2020. No. 6 (341). Pp. 64-69. (in Russian)
- Taushan I.V., Lyakhova N.I. Budgeting as a Management Technology // Finance of Russia in the context of globalization. Proceedings of the IV International scientific and practical conference, timed to the "Day of the financier - 2019". 2019. Pp. 117-120. (in Russian)
- Taushan I.V., Lyakhova N.I. Organizational Aspects of the Implementation of the 5S System in the Office // Economics and Management of the National Economy: Genesis, Current State and Development Prospects. Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference. Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law, Orel branch. 2019. Pp. 143-149. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I., Grigoryan D.R. Prospective Directions of Development of the Central Chernozem Macroregion and Sources of Their Financing // Malyshevskie readings. Proceedings of the IV Russian scientific-practical conference. 2019. Pp. 216-221. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Assessment of the Mining Industry in the Sectoral Structure of the Economy of the Belgorod and Kursk Regions // Malyshevskie readings. Proceedings of the IV Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. 2019. Pp. 221-225. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Methodological Foundations of Real Estate Taxation in Modern Conditions // Management Accounting. 2019. No. 1. Pp. 72-77. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Synergistic Effect in Integrated Structures // Contemporary Problems of the Development of Vertical Integration of the Education System, Science and Business: Economic, Legal and Social Aspects. Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. By S.L. Igolkin. 2018. Pp. 34-39. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Place of Property Taxes in the Income of Regional and Local Budgets // Economic and Humanitarian Sciences. 2018. No. 12 (323). Pp. 66-70. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Directions of Structural Diversification of the Regional Economy // Experience and Problems of socio-Economic Development of Municipalities at the Present Stage. Proceedings of the Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017. Pp. 118-121. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Directions and Prospects for the Integration of Science, Education and Production // Contemporary Problems of the Development of Vertical Integration of the Education System, Science and Business: Economic, Legal and Social Aspects. Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Edited by S.L. Igolkin. 2017. Pp. 12-16. (in Russian)
- Revnyakov G.V., Lyakhova N.I. Development Directions of the Regional Economic Strategy, Depending on the Classification of Economic Clusters According to the Degree of Integration and Level of Resistance // Regional Economics and Management: electronic scientific journal. 2017. No. 2 (50). P. 24. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I., Grigoryan D.R. Substantiation of the Allocation of the Central Сhernozem Economic Region for the Development of an Overall Development Strategy // Regional Economy and Management: electronic scientific journal. 2017. No. 2 (50). P. 26. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I. Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Development of Mechanisms and Instruments of Financingof Investment Processes at the Regional Level // Economic and Humanitarian Sciences. 2017. No. 5 (304). Pp. 28-35. (in Russian)
- Kobzeva A.G., Lyakhova N.I., Grishin A.A. Prediction of Dynamic of Development of Innovative Environment Based on Stochastic Models // Modern Scientific Thought. 2017. No. 2. Pp. 138-144. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I., Grigoryan D.A. Theoretical Foundations of Development of Regional Economy // Scientific Look into the Future. 2017. Vol. 4. No. 5. Pp. 19-24. (in Russian)
- Kobzeva A.G., Lyakhova N.I., Grishin A.A. Investigation of Processes of Interaction Between Production and Innovation Environments on the Basis of Stochastic Models // Scientific Bulletin of Belgorod State University. Series: Economics. Informatics. 2017. No. 16 (265). Pp. 35-39. (in Russian)
- Kobzeva A.G., Lyakhova N.I., Grishin A.A. Forecasting the Dynamics of the Development of the Production System Based on Stochastic Models // Competitiveness in the Global World: Economics, Science, Technology. 2017. No. 2-1 (29). Pp. 113-117. (in Russian)
- Grigoryan D.R., Lyakhova N.I. Optimization of the Structure of the Economy of the Central Сhernozem Economic Region // Competitiveness in the Global World: Economics, Science, Technology. 2017. No. 6-4 (52). Pp. 48-51. (in Russian)
- Lyakhova N.I., Grigoryan D.R. On the Issue of Restructuring the Regional Economy // In the World of Science and Innovation. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference: 8 parts. 2016. Pp. 110-114. (in Russian)