
Tatyana N. Fliginskih

Scientific degree: Doctor of Economics

Academic rank: Professor

Country: Russia

City: Belgorod

Organization: Belgorod State National Research University

Position: Professor of the Department of Innovation Economics and Finance

Scientific biography:

Education – graduated from the Belgorod State Agricultural Academy named after V.Y. Gorin with a degree in Economics and Organization of Agriculture, qualified as Economist-organizer of agricultural production (1985)

Academic degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management (regional economics, economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture). Doctoral dissertation on "Formation and Functioning of the Regional Agro-Industrial Complex: Theory and Practice" was defended in the Dissertation Council at the Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow (2005).

Position – Professor of the Department of Innovation Economics and Finance, Institute of Economics and Management, Belgorod State National Research University

Research interests: consideration of the problems of theory, methodology, practice of formation and functioning of regional agro-industrial complexes in market conditions.

Main scientific results:

- accumulated experience of the market transformation of the regional agro-industrial complex has been summarized;

- issues of specialization, cooperation, integration, peculiarities of financial support of agro-industrial complex enterprises have been disclosed;

- methodological recommendations for regulating the food market, strategic directions for sustainable reproduction of the agro-industrial complex of the region for the medium term have been given.

Scientific status:

- author of more than 100 scientific and methodological publications, including monographs, concepts, programs, guidelines, scientific articles in Russian and foreign publishing houses (RISC Hirsch index: 9, Scopus Hirsch index: 1);

- acts as an opponent for the defense of candidate dissertations, a reviewer of textbooks;

- actively cooperates with scientists from the countries of near and far abroad, takes part in the work of international scientific forums.

Research projects completed: took part in the implementation of the Federal Program "Administrative Reform II - Public Finance Management" in the Belgorod region.

Honours and awards:

- Certificate of honor of the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region (2018);

- Commendation from the Department of Finance and Budgetary Policy of the Belgorod Region (2017);

- Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2014);

- Commendation from the Department of Personnel Policy of the Belgorod Region (2012).

RISC SPIN-code : 6619-6900, Scopus Author ID: 57190945424

Major works:

  1. Fliginskih T.N., Goncharenko T.V., Zuenko M.S., Martynyuk M.A. Development of Remote Banking Technologies in the Conditions of Digitalization of Economy // Financial Economics. 2020. No. 2. Pp. 104-108. (in Russian)
  2. Fliginskih T.N., Usatova L.V., Solovjeva N.E., Kalutskaya N.A., Zaboon O.H., Majd A. Evaluating and Forecasting the Capital Adequacy for Commercial Banks // Espacios. 2019. Т. 40. № 24.
  3. Kotsarev A.A., Fliginsky T.N. Financial Aspects of Residential Real Estate in Russia // Economics and Entrepreneurship. 2019. No. 5 (106). Pp. 852-855. (in Russian)
  4. Fliginskih T.N., Goncharenko T.V., CHagarnyj A.S. Influence of the Macroeconomic Dynamics on the Final Results of the Oil Producing Company // Financial Economics. 2019. No. 11. Pp. 297-302. (in Russian)
  5. Fliginskikh T.N., Oleivi H.Z. Development of a Risk-Based Assessment of the Capital Adequacy of Companies // Humanitarian, Socio-Economic and Social Sciences. 2019. No. 2. Pp. 145-148. (in Russian)
  6. Fliginskikh T.N., Oleivi H.Z., Manirakiza E. Customer-Oriented Approach as a Factor in Managing Banking Risks // Humanities, Socio-Economic and Social Sciences. 2019. No. 3. Pp. 180-183. (in Russian)
  7. Alnakula M., Fliginskikh T.N. Approaches to the Assessment and Control of the Activities of Commercial Banks // Humanities, Socio-Economic and Social Sciences. 2019. No 4. Pp. 193-197. (in Russian)
  8. Alhassan A.M., Fliginskikh T.N. Improving the Efficiency of Assessment and Management of Credit Risk in a Commercial Bank // Humanitarian, Socio-Economic and Social Sciences. 2019. No. 7. Pp. 127-129. (in Russian)
  9. Fliginskikh TN, Alnakula M. Trends and Factors in the Implementation of the Monetary Policy of the State // Postgraduate Student. 2019. No. 3 (45). Pp. 69-73. (in Russian)
  10. Fliginskikh T.N., Kalugin V.A. Tax Regulation of Economic Sectors // Economics and Humanities. 2018. No. 12 (323). Pp. 71-75. (in Russian)         
  11. Fliginskikh T.N., Tarasova T.Yu., Oleivi Kh.Z., Bukreeva L.M. The Main Trends in the Development of Banking Credit Products for Individuals // Humanities, Socio-Economic and Social Sciences. 2018. No. 3. Pp. 166-169. (in Russian)
  12. Turenko K.V., Fliginskikh T.N. The Influence of Depreciation Policy of an Enterprise in Its Net Profit // Economy and Society. 2018. No. 4 (47). Pp. 640-647. (in Russian)
  13. Fliginsky T.N.1, Oleivi H.Z., Bortnikov I.S. Practice of Hedging Financial Risks International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. 2018. No. 1. Pp. 77-80. (in Russian)
  14. Fliginskikh T.N. Approaches to the Assessment of Capital Adequacy in Companies of the Real Sector of the Economy // Management Accounting. 2017. No. 12. Pp. 61-65. (in Russian)
  15. Fliginskikh T.N. Comparative Assessment of Tariffs for Housing and Communal Services of the City of Belgorod // City Management: Theory and Practice. 2017. No. 2 (25). Pp. 10-15. (in Russian)
  16. Kucheryavenko S.A., Fliginskikh T.N., Vykanova N.I., Solovyova N.E., Kotsarev A.A. Development of Risk Management System // International Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2017. Т. 11. № 4. С. 388-398.
  17. Tarasova T.Yu., Fliginskikh T.N. Specific Features of the Banking Product and Services // Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University. Series: Economics. Informatics. 2017. No. 2 (251). Pp. 46-50. (in Russian)
  18. Munoz A.L., Vaganova O.V., Fliginskikh T.N. Comparative Analysis of the Dynamics of Foreign Investments and Their Impact on the Economic Growth of the Region (on the Example of the Subjects of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation) // Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University. Series: Economics. Informatics. 2017. No. 23 (272). Pp. 5-15. (in Russian)
  19. Formation and Functioning of the Regional Agro-Industrial Complex (Theory and Practice): dissertation … Doctor of Economics / Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. Moscow, 2005 (in Russian)