Subject of the study. The article considers and scientifically substantiates the thermal engineering studies of the protected ground and the technical and economic characteristics of energy efficiency of the zoning of solar greenhouses for the cultivation of various agricultural crops in the conditions of Turkmenistan.
The study is aimed at working out a mathematical model for the microclimate forecast of a solar trench-type greenhouse and its solution; developing and working out a climatic zoning map, and constructing a nomogram for determining the microclimate of the solar greenhouse in Turkmenistan, based on the solved mathematical model with the use of the geoinformation system.
Methodology. Taking into account the natural climatological conditions, a mathematical model of heat engineering calculations was worked out. Based on the geoinformation systems, there were developed a zoning map and a nomogram of the microclimate forecast of a solar greenhouse for the design of greenhouses; there was calculated the capacity of additional heating in winter and cooling in summer in order to save energy resources in the regions of Turkmenistan.
Results. Based on the solved mathematical model, using the geoinformation system, a climatic map of the zoning and a nomogram of the forecast of the temperature regime were developed and worked out, depending on the solar radiation penetrating into greenhouses in the regions of Turkmenistan. With the help of technical and economic indicators and energy efficiency of solar greenhouses, a climatic zoning map was worked out. The developed nomograms confirm the possibility of forecasting, zoning and designing solar greenhouses in one or another region for additional selection of heating in winter and cooling in summer in order to save energy resources.
Conclusion. The obtained results will make it possible to reduce the cost of the greenhouse product and heating, to reduce investment in the construction of additional heating and cooling equipment in order to save energy resources. Scientifically substantiated results will provide an opportunity to ensure sustainable development of the country's regions and introduction of cultivation, as well as the prospects for growing crops in arid regions of Turkmenistan using renewable energy sources.
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