Given the increasing importance of the urban dimension for the economic development of Russia, the most important task was to analyze the gross domestic product of the urban economy on the basis of an assessment of the wage component of wage earners, which would make it possible to assess the contribution of cities to the economic growth of the country. The advance development of agglomeration can be explained by a relatively higher concentration of oil revenues, which stimulate the development of mainly trade and construction, rather than their own sources of growth, including agricultural effects. Agglomerations of regional and local importance are going through structural stagnation – the structure of their economy is still oriented towards the dominance of either the old industrial-state or the extraction of natural resources, and market sectors of the economy are represented mainly by consumer sectors, which do not have a high innovative potential. Russia 's economic development is increasingly associated with the future of cities, as it is where more than 70% of the country 's population live. The preservation and development of human capital in the regions have become a priority for the state. In order to solve this problem, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of Russia, along with other state institutions, has launched a priority project "Formation of a strong urban environment". Modern trends, including technological change, efficient use of all types of resources, and active introduction of information technologies lead to the need for qualitative restructuring of the urban environment.
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