The most important obstacle to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the regions is the imbalance between economic growth and the preservation of natural capital. To solve this problem, it is necessary to ensure the ecological and economic balance of the development of territories, in particular through the development of ecopreneurship. The purpose of this work is to substantiate ecopreneurship as a tool to ensure the balance of resource and environmental opportunities of the territory with the needs of the socio-economic system, which in the long term will stimulate the reproduction of natural and produced capital. The study proves that ecopreneurship through interaction with the socio-economic system will contribute to the reproduction of natural and produced capital, balance socio-economic needs with resource and environmental capacity of the territory growth through environmental education of the population, production of environmentally friendly products, greening existing production facilities, restoration of natural environment, and improve the level of innovativeness of enterprises.
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