Attracting investment is the basis for the success of each organization, region, country. Investments are funds used to increase the efficiency of the economic entity, update the fixed assets of the organization, implement projects of scientific and technological progress, and conduct applied research. Information about the investment climate is one of the foundations for making an investment decision by an investor. At the present stage of development, the economy of the Republic of Belarus, in particular the Brest region, needs investments. A comprehensive analysis was carried out to assess the investment climate of the Brest region. The industry priorities of the region’s investment development, existing investment sites and ongoing investment projects are highlighted. As a result of the research, it was noted that the region’s economy was recovering from the shocks of past years and the investment climate of the Brest region has improved. Improving the investment climate of the Brest region should be one of its main goals of economic development, as it leads to the development of commercial and non-profit organizations, and therefore the entire region as a whole. Taking into account the peculiarities and the border position of the Brest region, the need for inclusion in the system of private potentials that make up the investment potential, the potential for cross-border cooperation and transit potential is gaining practical importance.
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