DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2020-6-1-0-4


This article compares the development of e-Commerce on the example of companies in the US, EU countries and Russia. The degree of influence of the Internet on the global economy is revealed. The prerequisites for the creation of online stores are considered. The authors describe the history of online stores in the United States and Russia. Trends in the development of e-Commerce are revealed. The consequences of the appearance of the first online stores are considered. On the basis of Toyota plants, the impact of the Internet on the modernization of production is described. The activities stimulating the development of world trade are described. On the basis of the British company "ASOS", the authors reveal the impact of Internet Commerce on the global economy. The influence of new technologies on the increase of Internet sales is considered. Trends of development of Internet Commerce of the United States of America, Great Britain and Russia on the basis of large Internet companies are revealed. The statistics of total revenues and revenues of large companies from 2015 to the present are given. On the basis of the revealed data, the tendencies of development of Internet trade are investigated. The features of conducting Internet trade in the USA, Great Britain and Russia are revealed, similar and negative features are considered. Business models of Western countries and Russia are being formed. The formed models are compared among themselves, the general tendencies of development of the Western and Russian models of conducting business activity are considered.

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