The author demonstrates the role of major cities and metropolises as the leading participants in the formation of integration at the regional level. The state of social and economic development of Minsk is analyzed; the problems and the competitive advantages of the metropolitan economy are identified. The characteristic tendencies of the socio-economic development of the big cities and metropolises and the most common reasons for their high activity in foreign trade relations are determined. The features of the development of integration ties of metropolises, including those in the framework of the regional economic groups, are revealed. The basic approaches to the development of a mechanism to integrate the economy of a mega city (on the example of the city ofMinsk) in the Eurasian economic space are suggested. Keywords: urban economy; the Eurasian Economic Union; competition; competitiveness; major city; metropolis; mechanism of integration
Keywords: urban economy,
the Eurasian Economic Union,
major city,
mechanism of integration.
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