DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2021-7-4-0-7

Assessment of the availability of financial resources for business in the region: results of monitoring conducted by the Bank of Russia

The article substantiates the importance of the Bank of Russia receiving feedback from various categories of financial market participants (both consumers and financial service providers) as a factor in a comprehensive assessment of the development of the financial market. The authors consider the results of a survey of enterprises of the Belgorod region conducted to assess the availability of financial resources in the 1st half of 2021. The analysis of the current situation regarding the availability of financial services for business is made, and the expectations of economic entities of the Belgorod region for the coming period are presented. The results of the survey clearly demonstrate that there are growth points in the issue of increasing the availability of financing for businesses. In the current situation, it is of particular importance to inform entrepreneurs about alternative financing instruments, many of which are not in sufficient demand due to lack of knowledge about such mechanisms. Conclusions are drawn about the need to intensify activities to inform entrepreneurs about alternative financing instruments (including factoring, crowdfunding, as well as bond issuance). The content of this article expresses the personal position of the authors and may not coincide with the official position of the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia is not responsible for the content of the article. All errors that may be contained in this article belong to the authors. Any reproduction of the submitted materials is allowed only with the permission of the authors.

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