DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2022-8-1-0-5

Strategic planning as the main factor of stable development of the enterprise

One of the tasks of the company's top management is to make an effective management decision for the long term, taking into account changes in the external and internal environment. In the post-crisis period, it is quite difficult to develop a methodology for the stable operation of the entire enterprise. Therefore, managers should know and put into practice a set of planning tools and methods that contribute to the adaptation of the enterprise to the prevailing conditions. Effective strategic planning is the basis for the stable development of the enterprise. The article presents an analysis of scientists' opinions on the concept of "strategic planning". Special attention is paid to the elements of strategic planning and the stages are considered on the example of an operating meat processing enterprise. The author proposed to introduce a system of balanced indicators into the current activities of the enterprise. This allows you to track changes and build a development strategy from the past to the present. In the article, the author describes the mechanism of strategic planning, based on the analysis and prediction of external factors of the meat processing enterprise.

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