Organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring the economic security of Russian citizens from fraud by other individuals in the field
of bank lending
Recently, there has been a significant increase in both the number of crimes related to fraudulent actions in the field of lending, and the amount of damage caused by them. At the same time, it is not possible to ensure the necessary level of economic security of citizens by the methods of counteraction used in practice, which determines the relevance of the research being conducted.
The theoretical development of the problem has shown that most authors see its solution in the criminal law regulation of the corpus delicti, criminal procedural improvement of the investigation of crimes, increasing the efficiency of operational investigative
activities, criminological study of the identity of the criminal and the improvement of criminalistic approaches. At the same time, the prevention of the commission of these crimes is not considered in the available sources.In practice, separate measures are being taken by the Bank of Russia and credit organizations to combat the phenomenon in question, but it has not been possible to fully ensure the economic security of citizens in this direction. The solution to the problem is seen in the creation of an organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring economic security, including the expansion of the information database of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories with information about the availability of applications from citizens for the complete removal of their credit histories from information databases with a ban on further formation and maintenance of their credit histories in credit bureaus submitted through the Unified Portal of Public
Services. Thus, in fact, conditions are being created that allow citizens to prohibit the maintenance of a credit history in relation to them, as a result of which it is impossible for interested persons to obtain relevant information, without which no credit institution can make a decision on granting a loan. As a result, criminal encroachments on citizens' credit funds will be suppressed even at the stage of preparation for the commission of a crime, and without significant budget expenditures.
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