Eurasian development bank as a consolidating financial instrument of the Eurasian Initiative:
role, opportunities, prospects
Eurasian integration nowadays is one of the most important geopolitical solutions for the development of Russia and its allied countries. At the same time, the key and most effective direction of this integration is economic. The EAEU is extremely important for achieving the goals of sustainable and dynamic development. Russia and the members of the Union dictate the need to form effective mechanisms for economic integration. In this context, the Eurasian development bank (EADB) is in the focus of the interests of all the EAEU countries as a key financial institution of the Union. The purpose of the article is to identify the development potential of the EADB as an integrating financial mechanism of the EAEU and to put forward the options to improve its effectiveness as such a mechanism.
The main results of the study include: the evidence of insufficient use of the EDB's potential as an economic institution and as a tool for the integration of the EAEU, the identification of the Bank's potential as an incentive for the integration of the EAEU, in particular, in the field of technological convergence, promotion of sustainable development and green finance, and the development of a program for the development of the institute in conditions of limited financing for its development.
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