The article presents the network model of the interaction of the regions for the purpose to achieve their steady social and economic development and maintain the economic safety. The analysis of the level of the steady social and economic development and distribution of the basic threats to the economic safety of the region allows considering the intellectualinnovative complex as a knot of the regional network. Formation of the intellectualinnovative complex on the basis of the increase of the synergetic effect between its elements is possible thanks to the inter-regional inter-action of the institutional units (universities). Effects of the network model make applicable the clustering approach and allow to solve the questions of the interaction of the large business and science, mutually promoting the each other’s competitiveness growth and that of the regional economy.
Keywords: social and economic development,
network interaction,
intellectualinnovative complex. Fig. 1. The Structurally-Logic Scheme of Functioning of an Intellectual-Innovative Complex of the Region.
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