The situation of the pandemic has put the world community before the choice of forms and methods of combating coronavirus, while balancing the interests of the economy, healthcare and society as a whole. Until now, a unified approach to the use of restrictive measures has not been formed in the world. China's non-standard experience is extremely interesting to study. The article reveals the essence and influence of the zero-tolerance strategy in the COVID-19 period events on the Chinese economy. The macroeconomic indicators of GDP, unemployment, inflation in comparison with other countries of the world are analyzed. A comparison of data on the incidence of COVID-19 in various states was carried out. It was revealed that the zero strategy for combating coronavirus infection provides for strict lockdowns against both infected and the entire area of residence. A more democratic strategy provides for the isolation of the patient and his direct contacts. China's policy is focused on the task of non-proliferation of the epidemic while ignoring the negative effects on the country's economy. The macroeconomic dynamics of the country's indicators during the pandemic worsened under the influence of not only the systemic global crisis, but also because of tough anti-coronavirus measures. This situation is a consequence of the change in the priorities of China's long-term policy – from purely economic to social. At the same time, the zero-tolerance strategy proves its high medical effectiveness in terms of morbidity of the population.
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