DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2023-9-1-0-4


 The article is devoted to the issue of intellectual capital management in the interests of innovative development of the region. The purpose of the work is to develop methodological recommendations for the management of intellectual capital in the interests of innovative development.

To do this, the authors propose an approach to defining an intellectual capital management strategy based on an approach to assessing intellectual capital and its components, scenarios and a strategy selection matrix. Methods of comparative and system analysis, linear scaling, prioritization, scenario planning was used as research methods. Visualization of the calculation results was performed using the GeoDa spatial modeling software package.

The proposed developments were tested on data from 72 regions of Russia, for which recommendations were developed to determine the scenario of formation and use and the choice of an intellectual capital management strategy in the interests of innovative development.

The proposed approach differs in the method of assessing intellectual capital, which implies an assessment not only of the level of IC, but also of the degree of balance of its structural components, which, in the form of two main criteria, forms the basis of the matrix for choosing an intellectual capital management strategy and allows taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of human, structural and relational capitals of each subject under consideration. According to the results of the study, the scenario of the formation and use of intellectual capital for most Russian regions is defined as based on a system-forming component in the form of human capital. It is revealed that most of the regions are characterized by an average level of intellectual capital and a low balance of structural components, which determines the feasibility of developing recommendations for intellectual capital management based on an active support strategy.

The results obtained can be useful for representatives of regional authorities, line ministries and departments to determine strategies for managing intellectual capital in the interests of innovative development.

Further development of research can be aimed at building a system of quantitative assessment of the impact of intellectual capital and its balanced structural components in the results of innovative development of regions.

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