DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2024-10-3-0-5


The article discusses some problematic issues of the transfer of scientific developments to agriculture in the context of increasing geostrategic tension and economic sanctions imposed against Russia by unfriendly countries. In the course of the research, the processes of formation of economic societies at scientific re-search institutes of the agrarian profile were analyzed, trends and dynamics of the effectiveness of the functioning of such organizations were revealed. Special attention is paid to the activation of the formation of development institutions and the role of the state in financing to support the creation and development of technology transfer centers that commercialize the results of intellectual activity of scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education. It is noted that despite the use of incentive measures by the state, the pace of formation of agrotechnoparks in the country remains insufficient. And, one of the reasons for the relatively low rates is the imperfection of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of preferences provided to both innovative companies and agricultural producers introducing advanced scientific and technical achievements into the real sector. It is noted that despite the growth in the mass of profits of agricultural organizations, low innovative activity cannot but raise questions related to both the government's policy in stimulating investment in the real sector of the economy and the approach of agricultural business owners to the possibility of increasing the competitiveness of their enterprises in the market of agricultural raw materials and agricultural products. It is proposed to change the structure of the preferences provided in the direction of expanding such components as tax incentive measures, primarily for attracted capital in the form of direct investments. Also, a promising direction may be the formation of a unified digital platform of the all-Russian format with free access to information resources and mandatory placement of research results and innovative products for the most complete information of commodity producers about the available advanced technologies and other achievements of agricultural science.

Main provisions: – currently, an effective tool for stimulating innovation is the development of approaches to involving development institutions in the transfer process and innovative development;

– the implementation of the proposed directions will contribute to the activation of the transfer of scientific developments to the agro-industrial complex, as well as reduce the dependence of the industry on the import of innovations and increase the innovative sovereignty of the domestic agro-industrial complex.

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