DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2020-6-4-0-5

Adaptability of evaluating the effectiveness
of local government activities

The article presents a part of scientific research, one of the tasks of which is to determine the role of assessing the effectiveness of local government bodies in the implementation of regional socio-economic policy, which establishes the main unified directions of "development of the country in the spatial (regional) aspect".

Methods of modeling, systems approach and expert analysis are used in the research. The analysis of theoretical scientific works revealed a number of problems in the regulation of the development of municipal territories.

One of the solutions to the problem between the increase in uniform requirements for the quality of municipal administration and the growth of disparities in the development of municipal socio-economic systems, as well as the existing difference in conditions for the activities of authorities, the authors see in the use of the adaptation mechanism of the system for assessing the effectiveness of local government.

It is proposed to adapt the target settings of the policy to the municipal territories development conditions through a system of assessing municipal authorities’ activities. As a result of the research, a number of proposals have been put forward for improving the municipal authority’s assessment system.

The main conclusion of the work is the following: to ensure the fulfillment of uniform requirements for the development of municipal socio-economic systems contained in the target indicators for assessing the municipal authorities activities effectiveness, it is necessary to improve the quality of assessment by strengthening its adaptation function and the use of expert analysis of industry leaders.

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