
Research result. Economic Research

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020 PDF

Choosing a country for international business.
Comparison of Russia and USA

In the XXI century, an entrepreneur has a much wider choice of countries and regions to start a business than before. Choice factors such as proximity to commodity markets, ...

Assessment of the relationship between unemployment
and inflation in the Russian economy

The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between inflation and unemployment in the Russian economy. The long-term period (annual data for 2007-2019) and the short-term period (monthly ...

State Regulation at Formation of the Digital Economy
in the Republic of Belarus

The article considers some aspects of state regulation of the economy in the period of digital transformation. The role of the state as a regulator, which improves the conditions ...
Branch and regional economy

Interregional integration in the space of the macroregion
as a factor of the development of the national economy

The article deals with the actual topic of substantiating the role of the macro-regional system in the development of the state's economy. The macroregion is presented as a form ...

Adaptability of evaluating the effectiveness
of local government activities

The article presents a part of scientific research, one of the tasks of which is to determine the role of assessing the effectiveness of local government bodies in the ...

Efficiency of using regional assets in the context
of implementing the concept of lean production

The article considers the obstacles that prevent increasing the level of efficiency of using regional assets in the context of the system implementation of the concept of lean production ...

Individual investment account: development trends

The article analyzes the current practice of tax incentives for investment activity of private investors through the use of individual investment accounts. This article discusses the concept and essence of ...

The trend of corporate governance development
at enterprises in the context of innovative transformation

The article examines the personnel management system in the era of active digitalization of the economy. The aim was to investigate key trends in team building and human resource ...

On reforming the remuneration system in health care: achievements, challenges, adjustments

The article studies the problem of the effective remuneration system development in healthcare. The remuneration system of the state (municipal) health care institutions has been reformed twice. Today, ...

Recovery of the financial system after the crisis

The article analyzes the recovery of the financial system after the crisis associated with restrictions on the spread of the coronavirus infection СOVID-19. In this situation, there is an ...

Transformation of methods of providing banking products
in modern conditions

The article discusses the main trends prevailing at the current stage of development of the Russian banking market. As one of the characteristics of the domestic financial market, a ...

The role and significance of financial literacyof the population for effective development of the Russian economy on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The study revealed theoretical some aspects of the concept of financial literacy, its place and role in human functional literacy. An analysis of the federal and regional legislative framework in ...