DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2020-6-4-0-8

The trend of corporate governance development
at enterprises in the context of innovative transformation

The article examines the personnel management system in the era of active digitalization of the economy. The aim was to investigate key trends in team building and human resource management. In the course of the study, a model of a modern approach was identified, where the individual characteristics of each employee play the main role. They will create a “super team” capable of overcoming all business crises. The importance of the formation of a personnel management system has been proven by examples, because the efficiency of the entire business as a whole depends on this, both within the region and in the country as a whole.  The system of corporate governance of the Kuibyshev Refinery, and its indicators for the Samara region are considered. The role of top management in team building is shown, the key areas of thought for creating a highly effective and qualified team, which is an urgent and modern topic in the face of constant changes and innovative implementations. The principles of team building and basic elements that can lead the company to the desired result and increase in performance are shown. The groups of employees inherent in Russian business are described. A model of a typical employee of generation Y and tools for working with him are given, since they constitute a significant part of the team. All this made it possible to identify the main features of personnel management in Russia for the timely creation of a team of employees, taking into account individual characteristics and digital trends in the global space.

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