Assessment of competitiveness of the company's products (on the example of OAO "Gorynsk Agrokombinat")
Many modern enterprises, actively participating in international economic processes, have to master market methods of work, implement modern mechanisms of competitiveness management. The development of foreign economic relations puts Belarusian enterprises in a tougher competitive environment both on the domestic and foreign markets, especially negatively affecting food industry and agricultural enterprises. Assessment of the agro-industrial complex activities of the republic should take into account the social orientation of the food market, consistent links of production structures in the system of the agro-industrial complex, the versatility of the agrarian organization, the changing regulatory and legislative framework, the established systems of farming and the development of productive forces in the agro-industrial complex. The urgency of the problem is that today it is not enough to produce a product. It is necessary to convey it to the consumer correctly and on time. All this is devoted to a set of measures included in such a concept as ensuring and improving the competitiveness of products.
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