Features of the formation of entrepreneurial clusters in the regions of Russia
The national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation imply the dynamic growth of small and medium-sized businesses, but its current state raises certain concerns. In these conditions, it is necessary to search and analyze new forms of work, including cluster integration. The purpose of the work is to study the potential of the cluster organization of small and medium-sized businesses and analyze the features of the functioning of modern business clusters in Russia. As a result, it was found that in a number of countries there are clusters that include only small and medium-sized enterprises. Such clusters can create a single value chain and compete in the global market. At the same time, even a partial manifestation of cluster effects has a positive effect on entrepreneurial activity. To a certain extent, similar trends are taking place in Russia. However, clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises in the domestic economy are poorly studied and are rarely formalized. An analysis of Russian clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises with an institutionally fixed status showed that their creation often depends on a subjective factor. More often this is resorted to by non-resource regions that need new points of growth. Clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises are very unevenly distributed over the territory of Russia, and this is due to the large number of “hidden” clusters. Tourism and information technology prevail among the types of economic activities. This can be explained by the ubiquitous spread of entrepreneurial structures of the corresponding profile. The period of operation of the cluster has no statistically significant relationships with the total number of employees and the average number of employees per enterprise. Consequently, further in-depth studies of the problems and features of the functioning of such clusters, including unofficial ones, are required.
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