A prospective model of the organization of state financial control in the digital environment: vectors of impact
on resources
The article formalized a model of the system for organizing state financial control in a digital environment based on a synergistic-complementary approach. The vectors of impact on resources in the formation of the system of organizing state financial control in the digital environment are detailed: structuring the elements of the system of state financial control, formation of target and value attitudes, development and implementation of regulatory support, development and implementation of automated information systems, detailing the technology of the control process, organization of communication links , organization and management of the control environment. The features of a promising model of the organization of state financial control in the digital environment, in contrast to the traditional approach, are highlighted. It is important not only to organize the functioning of the elements of the system in their interconnection and interaction, but also to assess its effectiveness as the achievement of immediate, intermediate and socially significant results.
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