Today, the stock market has high financial and investment potential. This market transforms the savings of individuals and legal entities into investments. The stock market, as part of the financial system, is quite vulnerable during difficult periods for the country's economy and needs government regulation and maintaining its stability. To date, the stock market is under pressure from sanctions restrictions, which leads to a fundamental change in the functioning of the Russian stock market. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the main directions for improving the efficiency of the functioning and development of the Russian stock market in the context of geopolitical instability. The subject of the study is financial and economic relations formed at the level of the stock market of the Russian Federation. The article examines the peculiarities of the functioning of the stock market of the Russian Federation in the context of geopolitical instability. The analysis of indicators characterizing the stock market of the Russian Federation is carried out. The main threats to the functioning of the stock market are identified and the main directions of the development of the stock market of the Russian Federation in the context of geopolitical instability are considered. The proposed directions for the development of the stock market will contribute to maintaining its sufficient level, as well as ensure the safety of market participants and the national security of the country as a whole.
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