DOI: 10.18413/2409-1634-2020-6-2-0-7

About some issues of emission activity of commercial banks


Banking operations with securities are quite diverse. The bank can issue, buy, sell and store them. When performing many banking operations, the issues of using securities are raised to one degree or another. When performing credit operations, the bank may accept securities as collateral to ensure repayment of the loan. When performing settlement operations, the bank can also use securities as payment instruments (bills of exchange, certificates of deposit and savings, checks, etc.). When performing operations with foreign currency on the currency exchange, the relevant agreements on the purchase or sale of currency (forward, futures, options) are concluded, and they are derivative securities. Therefore, the study of the application of securities transactions in banking practice is quite relevant. The article substantiates the need to measure the impact of issuing operations of Russian commercial banks on the adaptive abilities of the banking sector, in connection with which comparisons are made with other banking operations in the securities market. Conclusions are made regarding the priority of issuing activities. The results of the analysis confirm the role and key importance in increasing banking activity in the financial market of such securities as stocks and bonds.


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