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Egiazaryan, Armen B.
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Russian-Armenian University, Institute of Economics and Business, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Theory and Problems of the Econ-omy in Transition, (Yerevan, Armenia)
Elshin, Leonid Alekseevich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Macro Research and Economy Growth, Center for Advanced Economic Research, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Russia).
Emelyanenko, Inna S.
Acting Head of the Department of Economics and Management, Institute of Technology, Affiliate of the Don State Technical University, (Volgodonsk, Russia)
Eralieva, Aisuluu A.
Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Academy of Public Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
Ermachenko, Philip M.
postgraduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management, NIU BelSU, (Belgorod, Russia)
Ermakov, Alexey V.
PhD in Economics Vice-Rector for Technical Development North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov 58 Belinsky St., Yakutsk, 677000, Russia
Ermakov, Stanislav A.
Senior Lecturer, National Research University (NRU) Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Applicant of Arbatov U.S. and Canada Institute (ISKRAN) (Moscow, Russia)
Erofteeva, Eleonora V.
student, National Research University "BelSU", (Belgorod, Russia), accountant, LLC "Business Partner", (Belgorod, Russia).
Evdokimov, Denis V.
OOO “BIT-TREID” (LLC), (Belgorod, Russia)