Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
Agriculture is one of the most important priority sectors of the national economy, which provides the country's food security. But there are many problems in the activ- ities ...
The article discusses the need to create a safe life for society and reorient all direc-tions of production forces that reduce environmental risks. It also examines the envi-ronmental problems of ...
Branch and regional economy
The state investment policy of Russia at the present stage and the main issues of its implementation are analyzed in this article. All the problems of Russia's state investment policy ...
The paper examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of an effec-tive management system for the innovative activity of hospitality businesses. In the context of the research, the ...
The author systematizes external (STEEP analysis, model of driving forces of com-petition (M. Porter), SWOT analysis, SNW analysis, D. Aaker's competitor analysis methodology, key success factors, the matrix of the ...
The article discusses the problems that businesses may encounter when implement-ing solutions based on robotic process automation (RPA) technology. The technolo-gy described in the article can be useful for both ...
This study discusses the impact of applying Unified Banking Appraisal Models (CAMELs) to ensure compliance with banking supervision and control processes.The study explains the nature and consistency of the relationship between ...
The role and significance of financial literacy
The study revealed theoretical some aspects of the concept of financial literacy, its place and role in human functional literacy. An analysis of the federal and regional legislative framework ...
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