
Research result. Economic Research

Volume 8, Issue №3, 2022 PDF

Improving budget procedures aimed at preventing the impact of the deterioration of the geopolitical and economic situation
on the development of economic sectors

The rapidly changing geopolitical situation in the world has launched the process of transformation of the state's development strategy, forcing the Russian economy to adapt to modern conditions. Initial ...

The crisis of the global monetary
and financial architecture and the strengthening of the "Asian alternative" as a result of anti-Russian sanctions

The global monetary and financial architecture is currently in a state of deep crisis due to a number of factors, among which stands out the inability of its institutions ...

Consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of the Armenian economy

The COVID 19 pandemic has become a real test for humanity in general and the global economy in particular. The events of the last two years have forced the ...
Branch and regional economy

Spatial and temporal analysis of digitalization processes in Russian regions

Based on statistics from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, the article provides a spatial analysis of two components of the informatization process — computerization and Internetization – ...

Sanctions "rods" of the Russian economy: challenges and reflection

The article examines the historical experience of economic pressure from the United West on the national economy in the period of pre-revolutionary Russia to the present. Today, economic sanctions ...

Assessment of the conditions of spatial heterogeneity of the distribution of human capital in the region, taking into account digital transformation

The evaluation of the parameters of the spatial distribution of the human capital of the regions shows its unevenness. This fact is influenced by many conditions, including the uneven ...

Electronic scrap as one of the factors of increasing the competitiveness of the industry segment

The article discusses the main provisions on the extraction and use of non-ferrous metals from electronic equipment and cell phones, which has advantages over the extraction of non-ferrous metals ...

Features and problems of managing the competitiveness of corporations in the economy of the Russian Federation

The authors describe the main stages of competitiveness management of corporate structures of the Russian Federation since the 90's of the 20th century. For the time interval from ...

Corporate social responsibility program: the concept and stages of formation

In the context of sanctions, large Russian enterprises need to pay special attention to solving the social problems of employees and the local community. Enterprise managers understand that not ...

Substantiation of factors of financial stability of the regional banking sector (on the example of banks
of the Southern Federal District)

The present study contains the results of a study of the level of financial stability of regional banks. The relevance of assessing the financial stability of this group of ...

Organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring the economic security of Russian citizens from fraud by other individuals in the field of bank lending

Recently, there has been a significant increase in both the number of crimes related to fraudulent actions in the field of lending, and the amount of damage caused by ...

Analysis of the socio-economic efficiency of electronic banking services

In recent years, the Russian banking sector has shown outstanding results in the areas of service digitization and customer management. The article aims to study the impact of electronic ...