Information on the analysis of the state of the industrial sector is the primary basis for forecasting the volume and time categories of the revival of Donbass, the ...
The article analyzes the dynamics and state of milk production in Russia, as well as the conditions and possibilities of its processing for the production of butter. The assortment ...
Tourism and its types in the modern world are considered as a socio-economic phenomenon that has a direct and indirect impact on the development of all related infrastructure. ...
The article describes one of the current topics of state regulation of spatial development of the grain market. The development of the grain complex is the basis for further ...
In the article, the author describes the existing problems in the development of the property complex using municipalities as an example. Attention is drawn to the fact that ...
The timber industry plays a significant role in the economy of Vologda Oblast. The region is identified as a priority area for the advancement of the forest industry, ...
Digital transformation can significantly expand information support for innovative development of a region by reducing the time and increasing the efficiency of collection, automated statistical processing of quantitative information, taking ...
This study examines the economic security of rural areas in the context of contemporary challenges. The authors highlight the crucial role of economic security in rural areas for the ...
The Russian Federation is currently experiencing a surplus of table potatoes on the market. The processing of potatoes allows for a reduction in the pressure exerted on the ...
The article discusses some problematic issues of the transfer of scientific developments to agriculture in the context of increasing geostrategic tension and economic sanctions imposed against Russia by unfriendly ...
The desire for development and improvement is always inherent in investment activities. Investments are an integral part of any type of economy, both market and any other. Without investment, ...
The article analyzes the risks of digital transformation that regional economic systems face at the present stage of their development. These risks are largely related to the realities ...
The article explores and analyzes the innovative potential of the region, reflecting the financial, economic, scientific, technological, industrial, and personnel status of the region. The research is based on an ...
In the current economic transition to depression, it is necessary to focus on innovation. Innovations are first of all, the engine of progress and growth, as ...
Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Parks have become widespread and have a significant impact on the culture of the population, regional development, the economy, as well as on the dynamics of ...
The agri-food sector faces a number of unprecedented challenges, from climate change to natural resource scarcity to global population growth. These challenges require innovative solutions that ...
Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
The aggravation of negative geopolitical processes in the world and the continued sanctions policy towards Russia are the main reasons for the implementation and development of the policy ...
Over the last two years, the Russian economy has been experiencing a negative external impact in the form of restrictive measures from unfriendly countries and, as a consequence, ...
One of the key aspects that determine the socio-economic development of the state and ensure its leading position on the world stage is the level of development of ...
The article considers methodological approaches that ensure the management of regional spatial and sectoral structure development in the conditions of transition to a digital economy balancing of social, ...
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