

Electronic scrap as one of the factors of increasing the competitiveness of the industry segment

Volume 8, Issue №3, 2022
The article discusses the main provisions on the extraction and use of non-ferrous metals from electronic equipment and cell phones, which has advantages over the extraction of non-ferrous metals ...

Income and consumer spending of households in Russia

Volume 8, Issue №2, 2022
Household finances, their dynamics and structure are a good indicator of the ongoing changes in the national economy of the country. During the last 30 years of the post-Soviet ...

The Use of the Cobb-Douglas Function in the Information Support of State Planning

Volume 8, Issue №2, 2022
The goal of the study is to test the hypothesis on the practicality of using the Cobb-Douglas function in the information support of state planning as a method of ...

Analysis of consumer satisfaction of educational services as a quality management too

Volume 8, Issue №2, 2022
 In the new competitive conditions, the consumer of educational services acts as an "arbiter" of quality, so ignoring the influence of consumer satisfaction factors is unacceptable. The article provides ...

Assessment of the competence of the enterprise based on key business competencies

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022
The intensification of competition in industry markets, competition for regular consumers, the presence of the dominant role and position of the consumer – ерун dictate what to produce and ...

Strategic planning as the main factor of stable development of the enterprise

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022
One of the tasks of the company's top management is to make an effective management decision for the long term, taking into account changes in the external and internal ...

Overview of small innovative businesses of universities – leaders of the Moscow International Ranking “Three University Missions” for 2021

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022
The article presents the essential characteristics of a small innovative enterprise, the purpose of its formation. An overview of the activities of three Russian universities, which are leaders in Moscow Three ...

The role of personnel policy in determining the strategic direction of the organization

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
The system and methods of personnel work must be periodically updated due to changes in the conditions of the internal and external environments of the organization, to ensure the ...

Assessment of the competitiveness of JSC “Pinsk Meat Processing Plant

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
The article discusses the competitiveness of the products of the regional enterprise JSC "Pinsk Meat Processing Plant". The preferences of consumers of the products of Pinsk Meat Processing Plant were ...

Small business in Russia: problems in the area of calculation and price formation

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Today, the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses is an area with increased attention, because the development of small businesses for certain regions can become a strong driver for ...

Assessment of the Cote D'ivoire  business environment for doing business  

Volume 7, Issue №3, 2021
Экономику африканской страны Кот-д'Ивуар можно охарактеризовать как достаточно динамичную и турбулентную: ряд макроэкономических показателей характеризуется высокими значениями, но все же страна сталкивается с огромным количеством социально-экономических и политических проблем, ...

Assessment of the socio-ecological and economic efficiency of the organization: the essence and methodological approach

Volume 7, Issue №3, 2021
The article considers the essence and developed criteria for comparing the definitions of “assessment”, “analysis”, “performance evaluation”, “performance analysis”, “performance evaluation”. The author proposes a new approach to the ...

Financial statements of the organization
 as a tool for attracting investments
in the fixed capital of economic entities

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
The article presents the essence and methodology of drawing up financial statements, which is currently one of the main tools for attracting investments in fixed assets of an economic ...

Assessment of competitiveness of the company's products (on the example of OAO "Gorynsk Agrokombinat")

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Many modern enterprises, actively participating in international economic processes, have to master market methods of work, implement modern mechanisms of competitiveness management. The development of foreign economic relations puts ...

Geodata mining – a technology of intellectual analysis
of spatial data 

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021
The article examines the features of spatial data processing and their role in the formation of strategic guidelines for planning a company opening. It is proposed to use the ...

On reforming the remuneration system in health care: achievements, challenges, adjustments

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
The article studies the problem of the effective remuneration system development in healthcare. The remuneration system of the state (municipal) health care institutions has been reformed twice. Today, ...

The trend of corporate governance development
at enterprises in the context of innovative transformation

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
The article examines the personnel management system in the era of active digitalization of the economy. The aim was to investigate key trends in team building and human resource ...

Individual investment account: development trends

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
The article analyzes the current practice of tax incentives for investment activity of private investors through the use of individual investment accounts. This article discusses the concept and essence of ...

Strategic planning and analysis tools for choosing the optimal location for the company

Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
The author systematizes external (STEEP analysis, model of driving forces of com-petition (M. Porter), SWOT analysis, SNW analysis, D. Aaker's competitor analysis methodology, key success factors, the matrix of the ...

Risks of implementing RPA technology at a knowledge-based enterprise

Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
The article discusses the problems that businesses may encounter when implement-ing solutions based on robotic process automation (RPA) technology. The technolo-gy described in the article can be useful for both ...
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